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Pages: Client Onboarding

The Client Onboarding automatically creates essential pages within your Sweep&Go Core Plugin. These pages streamline the client registration process and ensure a smooth user experience throughout the onboarding journey.

Each location will have the following 5 pages:

Accessing the Pages Section

To view the Client Onboarding pages:

  1. Navigate to WP AdminSweep&Go CorePages.

Pages Created for Each Location

The Client Onboarding generates the following pages for each location. These pages are automatically created and configured to serve as part of the client signup process. You can edit the content of these pages to better align with your brand or messaging.

  1. Client Onboarding Form

    • Description: This page displays the client onboarding form where new users can submit their information. It is ideal to redirect users here from the Service Area Checker form, ensuring a seamless experience. This form allows clients to register and select their services.
    • Access URL: This page can be accessed directly, but it is recommended to redirect users to this page after they check their service area.
  2. Thank You for Signing Up! (Credit Card)

    • Description: This page thanks users for signing up and processing their credit card information. It confirms that their sign-up was successful and provides further instructions, if necessary.
    • Customization: You can customize the content on this page to fit your messaging. A similar page is generated for check payments as well.
    • Access URL: Automatically linked after successful credit card payment during the onboarding process.
  3. Thank You for Signing Up! (Check Payment)

    • Description: Similar to the Credit Card Thank You page, this page confirms the user's sign-up and outlines the next steps when a user opts for check payment instead of credit card.
    • Customization: Like the credit card version, you can edit the content to better fit your process or brand.
    • Access URL: Automatically linked after successful check payment.
  4. Thank You for Requesting a One-Time Cleanup!

    • Description: This page is displayed when a user signs up for a one-time cleanup. It thanks the user for their interest and provides them with relevant next steps.
    • Customization: This page can also be customized based on your specific services or messaging.
    • Access URL: Redirected after a successful one-time cleanup request.
  5. Service May Not Be Available in This Area! (Out of Area Form)

    • Description: If a user's zip code does not match any available locations, they will be redirected to this page. It informs the user that services may not be available in their area and provides a contact like form for the user to fill.
    • Access URL: Automatically redirected if no services are available for the submitted zip code.
  6. Thank You for Your Interest!

    • Description: After submitting an out-of-area zip code, this page thanks users for their interest and provides additional options for staying connected, such as signing up for future updates or inquiring about service availability.
    • Access URL: Automatically displayed for users redirected from the Service May Not Be Available in This Area! page.

Managing and Customizing Pages

These pages are automatically created by the Client Onboarding for each location, but you can easily manage and customize the content of each page as follows:

  1. Go to WP AdminSweep&Go CorePages.
  2. You will see a list of pages related to Client Onboarding for each location.
  3. To edit a page, click on the Edit link next to the page name.
  4. Customize the content to align with your branding, messaging, and any specific instructions you need to provide to users.

Important Notes

Automatic Creation

These pages are created automatically for each location.

Do Not Delete Pages

These pages are essential for the proper functionality of the Client Onboarding. Deleting any of these pages will break the plugin's functionality and may cause errors during the client registration process.