Initial Setup: SNG Day Ahead Notifications
Once the SNG Zip Guard plugin is installed and activated, follow these steps to configure the plugin and start sending your day ahead notifications to clients.
Accessing the Settings
- Navigate to WP Admin → Day Ahead Notifications → Settings.
- You will find the main settings interface with the following options:
Settings Overview
Enable/Disable Day Ahead Notifications
- Enabled: Activates the notifications, schedules the queue that will send the day ahead notifications based on your settings.
- Disabled: Deactivates the notifications, removes the day ahead notification queue.
How would you like to send notifications?
- Email: Notifications will be sent via email using your WP admin email
- Recommended: It's recommended to use SMTP, check the note in Overview
- Text: Notifications will be sent via text
- Requires: Twilio connection
- Auto failsafe: If your Sweep&Go client didn't provide a phone number, he will get the email notification insted
When would you like to send notifications?
- Set up the time when you want your clients to receive the notification
Email Subject & Email Body
- Set up the Email subject and template for email notifications
- Unsubscribe button will automatically be applied to the template
Text Message
- Set up text message template for text notifications
- It's recommended to have "Reply STOP to opt out." in your template so people can opt out if they want to.
Testing you configuration
- You may test your email/text message configuration by doing a quick test at the bottom of the settings page
- Just enter email/phone number where your want to receive the test and click "Send Test Email/Text"
Test text message notification
Text notification test will not appear if you didn't connect Twilio account in Sweep&Go Core → Settings → Twilio