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Initial Setup: SNG Mailchimp

Once the SNG Mailchimp plugin is installed and activated, follow these steps to configure the plugin and start sending your day ahead notifications to clients.

Accessing the Settings

  1. Navigate to WP AdminSNG Mailchimp → Settings.
  2. You will find the main settings interface with the following options:

Settings Overview


To be able to access the settings, you first must connect your Mailchimp account inside Sweep&Go Core, you can check how to do that here

Enable/Disable Mailchimp sync

  • Yes: Activates the Mailchimp sync.
  • No: Deactivates the Mailchimp sync.

Mailchimp list

  • Select one of your Mailchimp list where you want your clients to be synced
  • Click Save Changes to save the updates

Mailchimp settings

Initial Sweep&Go → Mailchimp sync

If your list is empty or you just want to update it, you can run the initial sync which will pull all your clients from Sweep&Go and import them into your Mailchimp account

  • You have to click on the checkbox next to the title to show the initial sync
  • Click Run Sync button and wait for the plugin to import all your existing clients Mailchimp initial sync